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Search Playground


Welcome to the Search Playground Guides! Here you'll find helpful tutorials and best practices for using our search tools effectively.

Getting Started

  1. Choosing a Search Engine

    • Navigate to the Playground page.
    • Use the first dropdown to select your preferred search engine (Meilisearch, Algolia, or Supabase).
  2. Selecting a Search Mode

    • For Meilisearch and Supabase, choose between Full-text, Semantic, or Hybrid search modes.
    • Algolia uses its default search mode.
  3. Picking a Model (for Semantic and Hybrid Search)

    • If you've selected Semantic or Hybrid search, choose a model from the dropdown.
    • Different models offer various performance and accuracy trade-offs.
  4. Performing a Search

    • Enter your query in the search bar at the top of the page.
    • Results will appear in real-time as you type.

Advanced Tips

  • Comparing Search Engines: Use the side-by-side view to compare results from different search engines or configurations.
  • Performance Metrics: Pay attention to the processing time displayed for each search to gauge performance.
  • URL Sharing: The URL updates with your current configuration, allowing you to easily share specific searches and setups.


If you encounter any issues or have questions, please refer to our Info page or contact our support team.

Happy searching!